Zander Fryer, CEO and Founder, High Impact Coaching

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Zander Fryer, CEO and Founder, High Impact Coaching
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Dozens of successful coaches know Zander as a mentor and an inspiration, however I know Zander for a very different reason – he was the President of my fraternity at UCLA, Los Angeles, when I did a third-year exchange from University in Edinburgh. Zander was sharp, hunger, and intensely charismatic; you knew he would accomplish something big, but what exactly?

After starting out in a highly successful corporate career trajectory, Zander abruptly pivoted to instead start a coaching empire. His story, and the extreme lengths he went to shadow the greats in his field, are below in what is among my favorite interviews in the series.

You can read Zander’s full biography here.

Jamie: Zander, in terms of helping coaches and selling solutions to coaches globally – is it a sales role?

Zander: Yes. Absolutely. It’s interesting because, having worked for one of the largest companies in the world, Cisco, truthfully, any executive is actually a salesperson to some degree. Being in an executive role, you’re either selling an actual product or service or if you’re an executive, you’re selling ideas. So as the CEO of our company, my main job is number one, selling the ideas that we put out there, and number two, being the lead salesperson on the sales team.

Jamie: What have you found most fulfilling about your career so far?

Zander: This goes back to what a lot of people think about sales. A lot of people think that there’s a very negative connotation around sales, maybe from like growing up, when you think of a salesperson, you think that used car salesperson – a greasy, grimy, sleazy, manipulative person. There’s a very negative connotation around sales. 

In my opinion, sales isn’t a good or a bad thing. It’s just a tool and it can be used and leveraged for good or bad. When you’re a good person leveraging sales, you get to spread well. It’s a tool for influence. 

It’s a tool for getting people into creative action. When you’re doing something good, basically, you just get to spread that influence to more people. For me, everything that I do is absolutely fulfilling.

Jamie: What’s the best thing about being in sales?

Zander: I would say opportunity. 

There’s a lot of different roles out there that allow a lot of people to just settle into a comfort zone, settle into mediocrity, and sales just isn’t one of those roles. 

Sales just isn’t one of those positions. When you’re in sales, you get to prove your worth. You’re always growing, you’re always getting out of your comfort zone, you’re always proving your worth. Because of that, you’re allowing yourself the opportunity to reach a much fuller potential than someone in a lot of other roles can. 

Jamie: If you look at the coaches who have developed that skill in sales, what are the differences that you see in terms of performance, recognition, and compensation? 

Zander: In my opinion, sales is the number one skill in being successful. Selling is the idea of influencing others, and it could be around a product, a service, an idea, or whatever it is. People who are good at selling something are going to be the ones that are the most successful, compensated the best, and honestly the most well-liked if they’re doing it properly. Essentially, it is the core skill of being successful in anything in your career.

Jamie: So even in more functional roles like engineering, sales would still be an important consideration?

Zander: One hundred percent. As an engineer, when I was an engineer, say I was designing a project and I needed to then sell that project; the validity of that project to my boss, to the people that are taking it to buyers, and the customer that was going to implement it. You’re selling your implementation, your solution to a problem. One hundred percent.

Jamie: What skills you believe someone should exhibit naturally who wants to go in sales?

Zander: I think I have a very different view of this than most people. I think a lot of people would say that they’re tough, they’re strong, they’re driven, they’re tenacious, all of those things. I think the landscape for sales has been shifting drastically over the last decade to two decades. 

You can learn how to be tough. You can learn how to be tenacious. You can learn how to face rejection. There’s a lot of things that you can actually learn and I’m not sure that there’s a lot that you actually naturally need to have. When we work with coaches, a majority of coaches that we work with, they are not naturally good at sales. But when you teach them some of the basic skills, like all the things that they need, they end up being even better than most “salespeople.” 

I’d say the basis of it is actually what I call their intention. The question that I always ask people, “If I were to ask you, “What do you think most people think of when they think of a salesperson?” Would it be positive or would it be negative?”

It’d be negative. The connotation of a salesperson is greasy, grimy, pushy, manipulative. What do you think people think of when they think of a trusted advisor? It’s positive. They have your best interest in mind, even if it means not getting a sale. In the modern world, that’s actually probably the most important skillset for a salesperson. It’s not the ability to face rejection. It’s not the ability to hear “no”s, it’s not the ability to push on pressure or have quick, witty responses or anything like that. People can tell when you care. People can smell “commission breath” over the phone. One of the skills that you naturally need to have, that’s the most important, which is going to be very different than what most people would probably say, is you need to have the right intention and that intention is to actually help this other person that you are intending on selling something Your intention needs to be to help this person and bring value to this person in some way, shape or form. 

Jamie: Does that mean the importance lies in what they’re actually selling?

Zander: Absolutely, yes. They have to have a belief. They have a belief in it. They have to have confidence in it. And then like I mentioned, they definitely have to come from the right intention. 

What we find, especially in the coaching space; if you’re in it just to make money, you’re never going to make any money. But if you’re in it to help people and you’re not afraid to ask for money, you will become wildly successful.

Jamie: Do you think there’s a specific personality type that is best suited to sales?

Zander: This is something that we actually teach. We teach basically all the different personality types and what can be successful in sales. We’ve seen successful salespeople in every different personality type. I think it comes from the belief that whatever my personality type, I can work on the things that would make me better in sales specifically for this reason, or that reason. Some of the best salespeople that we’ve had on our team and some of the best coaches that we’ve coached through sales, you look at their different test scores and different personality tests and assessments and things like that. It says, “this should not be a good salesperson.” When you teach them the right skills, they end up blowing it out of the park. What’s really key is the idea that they can learn and grow.

Jamie: Would you recommend to anyone to go into coaching?

Zander: No. Absolutely not. When it comes to coaching, the number one is you have to do it for the right reasons. We’ve helped hundreds of coaches build businesses and we get people who come to us that just think that like, “Oh, this is a quick and easy way out of my 9-to-5 job. I’m good at giving advice, so I can become a coach,” and it’s like, “You’re dead wrong.” There has to be a deep-seated drive to become a coach because it is not an easy job. It is by far harder than being in a 9-to-5. Most people don’t realize that. It’s way harder than being in a 9-to-5, but it’s worth it for people that are willing to go through it. So no, I would not recommend it to everybody. 

Jamie: What other skills you need to teach people to become good salespeople and good coaches?

Zander: Definitely one of the major ones is rapport building. You have to be able to communicate, you have to be able to build rapport. It’s the old saying, “People buy from people they know, love, and trust.” I don’t care how good your product or services if somebody doesn’t trust you. Not everybody, but 95% of people wouldn’t buy from you if they don’t know, love, and trust you. There’s that 5% that’s just like, “Screw you, I’m going to buy it anyway just because I know I need it so bad.” But 95% percent of people will not buy from you if they don’t know, love, and trust you. They have to have good communication skills. They have to be able to build rapport and have a real connection with people. Rapport is just the natural ability that we have to build a relationship. But in sales, you essentially have to build that relationship in a much shorter amount of time. You have to expedite that process. Rapport building is one of them.

We did start to talk about some of the other things like tenacity. You have to be tenacious to be in sales because you are going to hear “no”. Even the best salesperson in the world hears “no,” and they probably hear “no” more than they hear “yes.” If you’re afraid of being rejected, you will never be successful in sales. One of my mentors once told me when I first started my business – I was making nothing and he had a seven-figure business. 

He was traveling the world, and he said “Zander, you have all the skills, you could accomplish anything that you really want to. Do you want to know the difference between where you’re at and where I’m at?” And I said, “What?” He goes, “I’ve heard a million more “no”s than you have.” 

That was a really interesting reframe. 

I was used to being successful and hearing “yes,” but that would never allow me to continue to grow the way I needed to grow. I wasn’t only comfortable with hearing “no”, but I actually wanted to hear a “no.” Like searching for “no”s because “no”s allow you to grow, “no”s allows you to get better, “no”s allow you to get stronger and refine your skill set. I think that’s a really big shift that we have to work on with a lot of people; don’t just get okay with failure and rejection and hearing the word “no,” actually, look for it. Desire it. Desire more “no”s. Desire failure, faster, bigger and you will grow bigger and faster as well.

Jamie: What are the biggest challenges winning business for a coach?

Zander: The biggest challenge for coaches to winning business is not knowing how to communicate their real value. There’s a lot of coaches out there that the services that they provide are borderline life-saving, and in some cases actually life-saving. We’ll work with health and wellness coaches that literally can help you cure and prevent cancer or autoimmune disorders or heart disease. We’ll work with mental and psychotherapy coaches that can completely eradicate anxiety, stress, depression, and help people move through PTSD. We’re the solutions that people are able to provide for people. The outcomes that they’re getting are insane. But a majority of coaches don’t know how to actually communicate the value of what they’re doing and because of that, they struggle to get people to pay the money.

Many position themselves as health and nutrition coaches. They position themselves as a commodity for all the health and health and nutrition coaches and all the Weight Watchers of the world and the Jenny Craigs of the world. When they try and charge a hundred bucks an hour, but Weight Watchers are charging thirty dollars a month, they’re forever out of luck. When you realize that this coach can actually help you get unbelievable results – we have several of our clients that can literally help you heal autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto’s, PCOS, Crohn’s disease that doctors for decades have told people are unhealable, and they’re working with people for several months and they’re relieving all of their symptoms – and people are telling them two hundred or three hundred a month is too expensive!?

They don’t know how to communicate the value of what they’re actually doing, and when those coaches start to be able to communicate the value of what they’re doing, people start to realize, ”I need to figure out how to work with this person,” and they’ll pay them a thousand bucks, two thousand bucks, three thousand bucks, five thousand dollars because they start to realize what it’s actually worth to have their life back; to be able to play with their kids, and do not have to worry about dying in 10 years. A huge, huge part of it is the majority of coaches don’t know how to communicate their value — they’re great at what they do. They’re phenomenal at helping people, but they’re terrible at communicating the value of what they actually do; the solution that they provide to people’s problems.

Jamie: What have you found to be the most difficult things in selling the business as opposed to individuals?

Zander: It’s not necessarily the most difficult thing. I love selling to businesses because businesses have money to throw around. The examples I always give: when I make big shifts with individuals, they’ll go from not having a business to having maybe a six-figure business, or go on for making a couple of thousand dollars a month to making two-hundred to three-hundred-thousand dollars a year. You’re making big difference with people on an individual level. I just went to Fit Body Boot Camp and did a training for Fit Body Boot Camp. They’re about a forty or fifty million-dollar business. I did a half-day training and they paid me very handsomely for half-day training – they have a sales team of seven or eight people. One of their sales guys had a four hundred percent increase in sales the next month after my training with him. That alone is going to bring their business in another five million dollars over the next year. The ROI that people can see on the other side is just drastic.

Now, what I would say is the interesting part about getting into business – this is what I teach a lot of people who do B2B sales – when you’re going B2B because that target is a business, they have money, they have a budget to put into things; because of that, they have a lot of people vying for their business. Essentially, you’re competing for their business and if that’s the case, rapport building and the know, love, and trust factor is eight times, ten times, twenty times more important. 

The thing that I always tell people is intimacy beats authority every single day of the week. For example, you could be the best sales trainer in the world, but if I build a solid rapport with Fit Body Boot Camp, and I have an intimate relationship with their decision-makers, they’re going to hire me because they know, love, and trust me more; even if you’ve got advertising signs all over the place. You’ve got your big world conference and everything like that, but if I produce results and I have an intimate relationship with them, they’re going to hire me.

The example I always use is say your pipes burst in your bathroom and you need a plumber, which is a perfect example because my master bathroom is clogged right now. Say your pipes burst and you needed a plumber and you see you see a sign on the freeway that says “John the plumber, America’s plumber” and it’s got his number. My first inclination is “I can call John,”

 but then I’m talking to a buddy and he’s like, “You have to call my buddy plumber Jim, plumber Jim is great. He’s phenomenal. You’ll love him. You’ve got to go with him.” Who are you going to go with? I’m going to go with plumber Jim. The intimacy will beat the authority every day of the week. 

When you’re working B2B it’s all about the relationships that you can build. It’s all about the connections and the rapport, and again, so much of that comes from not being a salesperson but from being a “trusted advisor;” Someone that they can trust more than they trust themselves. I always think of Yoda. That person who you can trust more than you can trust yourself; Yoda will tell you the truth whether or not you want to hear it. To give you another really good example of this, when I first quit Cisco, I had connections — my customers were NBC, Facebook, Sony, DirecTV, Disney, I had a standing meeting with the Disney CIO as a kid in his mid-20s. 

When I quit Cisco, I had a company offer me a six-figure salary just to put my name on their records and make introductions. It would literally be a five- to a ten-hour-a-week job. They were going to give me six figures just to make introductions because they knew the power of having a trustworthy introduction.

Jamie: How do you feel about the balance of sales and marketing in an organization, terms of importance?

Zander: In my opinion, sales always come first because sales is the bottleneck of the funnel. One of the things that I always mention to people; when I first started my coaching business, a lot of people in the coaching space think that you need to have this massive following. You need to have this big brand in order to build a coaching business. You need to have an audience of thousands of people that know, love and trust you so that people would actually pay you what you’re worth. That’s just not true when you know how to sell properly. When I first set up my coaching business, I had a Facebook group of 47 people and I was able to bring in my first six-figure salary month. I brought in $13k from a Facebook group of 47 consumers.

These aren’t even businesses. These are consumer-level people, 47 of them, and I’m able to bring in my first $13k from that. The next month, I was able to bring in $17k. The next month it was like $24k then $32k then $42k and it just kept going up. All of that was on a tiny, tiny audience with very minimal marketing. We actually didn’t pay for any marketing until about a year into the business and we had already brought in our first six-figure month by that point.

 The entire business was built around the premise of if you can sell properly, the marketing is just a way for you to scale that afterward.

Jamie: If you’re a coach, just starting out, how can you find decent sales training?

 Zander: The majority of the sales training out there for coaches specifically is poor, and a lot of it because coaches will seek out sales training from the same people that taught them how to be coaches.

They’ll get this certification on how to be a great health and wellness coach or something like that. Then they’ll seek out sales training from that person, but that’s not what they’re good at. They’re good at teaching you how to be a coach. They’re not good at teaching you how to run a business; or how to sell. That’s one of the big problems out there. Majority of the coaches out there will learn sales tactics or sales strategies from people that are giving them best-guess advice. It tends not to work very well for them. They’re trying to learn sales and marketing and business from the same people that taught them how to be a life coach, or how to be a health and wellness coach, or how to be a business strategist, or whatever it is. They’re learning from the wrong people, essentially.

 If you are a coach and you want to get your business up and running, work with us. We’re the best in the industry by far. But, in general, certain things are really powerful – to continuously help to hone your communication skills, and also some of the things that we were talking about, like getting out of your comfort zone, hearing rejections, and hearing “no”s. Outside of the norm, I would say a couple of things that are phenomenal for all salespeople are things like Toastmasters and improvisations classes. Toastmasters and improv can really just keep you light-hearted and comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Those are skills that translate very, very well for any sales situation. Outside of that, I would say, there’s a lot of training out there in the sales space. To be honest, I would say, “Soak in as much of it as you possibly can.” The more sales training you get, the more you’re going to be able to refine what really works for you and what really doesn’t. 

What is your recipe for success? There’s a lot of different salespeople out there. Find the trainers and find the coaches that really help you out, but don’t be afraid to keep going and trying more stuff, because inevitably, you’re just going to get better and better the more you’re learning from these other people who have spent years and decades teaching. At this point, we’re bringing in great money, but I still spend somewhere around $60k to $100k on my own coaching. People mentoring me, coaching me, going through programs and things like that, so that I can continue to learn and continue to get better.

 Jamie: Do you have any advice for people to find mentors, for people who aren’t able to spend $60k to $100k yet?

Zander: Yes, spend less. People who pay, pay attention. Obviously, I have the income to be able to spend $100,000 on my own coaching and mentorship, but if you don’t, that’s fine, but you still need to invest. 

Understand that it’s an investment, it’s not a cost. I remember, when I first started my business – I don’t suggest anybody does this – but when I first started my business, I spent all my savings and put myself in a $20k worth of debt to learn everything that I could from all the best in the world. Because I knew the one resource that I could never get back was my time. So, if I wanted to get really good at sales or marketing or business or communication, why would I try and spend the next five years figuring it out of my own? 

I would be wasting time and wasting money when I could just learn the top stuff from this person who’s been in the industry for 40 years, this person who’s been in the industry for 30 years, this person who’s really killing it right now and has all the best tips and strategies for the current moment. I can go to all of those people and figure out what’s really working best so that I can get this up and running right now.

One of the things that I would say, for anybody who’s serious about this; don’t kid yourself. People who pay, pay attention. If you’re not paying, you’re not going to be committed. I can tell you how many things that I’ve spent like 50 bucks on like this little course or like an e-book or something like that and I didn’t get anything from it. Why? Because I wasn’t committed actually implementing it; to getting out of my comfort zone and making shit happen. As soon as you start to pay real money that scares the shit out of you, you take the action. It’s funny when I think about it. One of my coaches – just one of my coaches – cost me $50k a year. I think about It and he hasn’t really taught me a lot of new things, but the simple fact that I pay him that much money and I look up to him and I deeply do not want to disappoint him, I’m constantly getting out of my comfort zone and doing new things and growing and getting better. Just the simple fact that I pony up the cash because I’m like, “Fuck, that’s a lot of money, something better come from this.” I make sure that even though I’m not learning a ton from him, something has to come from this.

Jamie: What’s the biggest difference in sales training from Zander Fryer than elsewhere?

 Zander: I’m very expensive. I’m very expensive because you get results That’s the truth. I can charge that much because people who come to us not making anything, they come out with a six-figure business or multiple six-figure businesses or a seven-figure business. So, we can charge that much because again, what’s that worth to someone when they can go from having tried to build their business for a year, 2 years, 5 years and having no success to on the other side being debt-free, making money, helping a ton of people – that’s worth having.

 What I would say makes us different is that this world in my opinion is done with the greasy, grimy, manipulative, pushy, pressure-y sales bullshit. It’s done with it. It’s been three or four decades worth of that sleazy, greasy stuff, and all these people who are pushing snake oil or negative shit like made a bunch of money and they’re swindling grandma out of her hard-earned cash. 

This world is just done with that stuff. All the old pushy, manipulative sales tactics are on the way out. This world is too smart. They’re done with the fakeness. They’re done with the bullshit. They want real. They want trustworthy. One of the examples that I always give is when I was covering Disney for Cisco. Disney had basically kicked out three account managers in the last six months before I came in and I came in as an engineer. I was not a salesperson.

 I walked into the executive meeting with the ex-Disney CIO, Susan O’Day, who’s just a royal hard-arse, and basically, she goes, “Great, Cisco is here. What are you going to sell us today?” I said, “I don’t know.” She said, “What do you mean you don’t know?” I said, “I don’t know.” She said, “Well, why are you here?” I said, “Well, I just wanted to learn about your business. If there’s anything I can help out with, let me know.” I came in with zero intention of selling them anything ever, and because of that, they learned to trust me. Actually, I had a Disney badge by the end. I was not a Disney employee. I have a Disney badge because I came in as a Disney employee, even though I work for Cisco. I remember, we had an opportunity to sell them something like a three and a half-million-dollar network and we were up against the competitor and I was very honest with them. I was like, “Look, our solution is not able to hold up in this, this, and this, which I think you guys really need.” I told them that. We lost that sale, probably because I told them that. Five months later, they ended up buying $22.5 million worth of networking equipment from us.

 The reason I want to bring that up is that when people learn sales from us, they’re not learning the traditional sales that they might be thinking they will. They’re learning how to help people, realize their real value, build strong relationships with them so that they want to pay you what you’re really worth. They understand the problem that you solve for them and they’re happy to pay you $22.5 million for this networking solution and thank you for it. As a coach, you have clients; literally, we get text messages from our clients all the time that are like, “This person just paid me $3k and thanked me, which is weird.” But when you know how to have the conversation properly, how to help them realize they have a problem that you can help them solve and they know, love, and trust you, they feel that connection; for the first time in their life they feel like they’re going to have an actual solution. They have hope to solve their problem. They’re going to thank you for it.

 Jamie: If you’re going to lose quick sales to gain long-term credibility, how do you deal with that internal pressure to make the sale quickly? 

 Zander: You get over yourself. In the end, I think that’s one of the hardest things about being able to be a trusted adviser is: you’re going to have quotas. You’re going to have deadlines that you need to hit.

I remember I had to have that conversation with our director of operations. I had to tell him, “Look, we’re not a good fit for this, which means we’re going to lose out on this $3.5 million dollar deal.” But when you can have that conversation, when you can be brave enough or courageous enough to go to management above you and say, “Look, here’s the deal. This is not the right thing to do here. But if I’m clear with them here, we’ll be able to get a much bigger whale rather than this little fish.”

 You just need to be able to think bigger. You need to be able to look longer term. That’s really hard for a lot of people because, especially in sales, there’s a lot of sales positions out there where you’ve to got hit weekly quotas. You’ve got to hit monthly quotas. I think I got really lucky when I was working with Cisco for sales because Cisco, yes, you have your weekly quotas. You have your monthly quotas. You have all that stuff, but in the end, the only thing that really matters is: are you hitting your quarterly and yearly quotas?

I had a little bit of flexibility there and I could say, “Look, I’m not going to hit my quota this month. I’m not going to hit my quota this quarter, but I’m going to blow my number out of the water this year if you let me do this.” It takes confidence; it takes courage in your communication.

 Jamie: How do you go about getting into the coaching industry?

 Zander: It depends on what you want to do. The way that I explain it to people if they are interested in becoming a coach, there are essentially two avenues. If you have expertise or experience in that space, you can coach from expertise or experience. For example, one of my clients, Justin, has never been a woman with Hashimotos, but he’s coaching from expertise to help women overcome Hashimotos, so that’s expertise. You could have expertise in the space or you could have experience. We’ve had clients in the past that have overcome serious anxiety and depression by learning different modes of psychosomatic therapy and getting certified. They’ve helped themselves overcome these things. They can now offer that up to others. One of the ways that I actually started my coaching business was a little bit of both. I started in the coaching space by working with one of my personal mentors to learn how to become a coach: Jack Canfield. I learned from Jack, who’s one of the best coaches in the world, I basically was just like, “Look, if I want to be a coach, this guy has been doing it for the last 50 years, and has been very successful. He’s one of America’s top success coaches. So, I’m going to go learn from him how to do it.” I was able to tune my business up in about three months.

Then we had a six-figure business and it was growing at a 50% rate month after month. A lot of coaches started reaching out to me to be like, “Zander, what the hell did you just do? We’ve been trying to build the coaching business for X numbers of years and I’m still struggling. You were able to do it in three months.” I then started to coach people from a place of experience. They were like, “I want to learn what you just did.” I was like, “Look, I’ve never done it before, but let’s try it with these five people.” Those five people ended up getting amazing results. So now, we’re coaching from both the place of expertise and experience.

 I did it then I taught five people to do it. Now, I know the system. Now, I know the recipe. I can now replicate that with more and more people. So, getting into the coaching space, you can either coach from a place of experience or a place with expertise. A lot of people think that they have to get a certification to become a coach. I would advise that at some point you get training and development on how to become a coach, but it’s not necessary if you’ve been in the industry long enough to know what it takes.

To get into the coaching space, number one, you need to be able to get results. So, you need to either be able to coach from a place of expertise or a place of experience. Then number two; is to learn how to run a business. If you want to get into the coaching space because so many people focus on becoming knowledgeable in their space. I’ll tell you right now, knowledge is not power. Knowledge is the mortal enemy of impact and bringing value to this world because so many people get knowledgeable and they hold themselves back from actually getting to the people that need it.

What I would say is, to get into coaching space, number one; get results. Number two; focus on learning how to actually get results to people, command your real value and grow the business, because of you have a great product and a great service, but you can’t get it to anybody, you’re not going to have any impact. 

You could be the best in the world at what you do but if you can’t promote the market and sell it and nobody works with you, you have a big zero impact. Which is the majority of coaches out there; 95% of coaches will never make it past $50k a year. Even when they have 10 years in the industry; 95% will never make it and that’s the main reason why. That’s a Glassdoor statistic by the way; that’s not just me.

 Jamie: What advice could you give to aspiring salespeople in general?

 Zander: I would say, probably the biggest thing is if you are an aspiring salesperson–and this is something that I tell coaches as well–if you’re an aspiring salesperson, right now you need to commit to the idea that it is not going to be easy and you didn’t sign up for easy. So, if you ever expected to be easy, you’re being delusional. Sales is hard. You are a professional rejection artist. You’re a professional failure; you hear no all the time. You’re constantly failing. Sales is difficult. You’re constantly getting out of your comfort zone. If you want sales to be easy, you’re in the wrong industry. It’s not easy but it’s worth it. You can have a much bigger impact. You can have the life you’ve always wanted for yourself, for your family, for your kids, for everything, because it’s all on you. 

The first piece of advice that I would give everybody who is aspiring to be good at sales is: it will never be easy. Accept that it will never be easy, and it will be easier.

 Jamie: If you had your sales career again, what would you do differently?

 Zander: I don’t know if I do a lot differently. My career and everything that I’ve gone through has led me to the point where I am right now and I could not be happier with what I’m doing and where we’re going. I think I would probably keep it the exact same way – the big thing that really helps me out is continuously focus on learning, and always remembering to do it for the right reasons, and always remembering to do what’s right for the customer, even if it means not getting a sale. I think if you remember those things, you’ll end up in the right place.


Connect with Zander on Instagram, LinkedIn, or his website

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